Product code: Sale DERE Laptop Windows 10 15.6
New still has all of the plastic covers on it. BrandtDERE Screen Sizet15.6 Inches ColortRed Hard Disk Sizet256 GB CPU ModeltCeleron sale N Ram Memory Installed Sizet12 GB Operating SystemtWindows 10 Card DescriptiontIntegrated Graphics CoprocessortIntel UHD Graphics CPU Speedt2.9 Hz.
New still has all of the plastic covers on it. BrandtDERE Screen Sizet15.6 Inches ColortRed Hard Disk Sizet256 GB CPU ModeltCeleron sale N Ram Memory Installed Sizet12 GB Operating SystemtWindows 10 Card DescriptiontIntegrated Graphics CoprocessortIntel UHD Graphics CPU Speedt2.9 Hz.