Brunswick Mastermind Intellect Bowling Ball Specs New. Unused. Undrilled. OEM in all respects. This outstanding ball is no longer in production. That makes finding a new, undrilled, gift-worthy example truly rare. There is only one of these great balls available. When it is gone, it is gone. Ball ColortBlack/Blue/Yellow Coverstock NametHonor Roll A+ Solid Reactivet CoverstocktReactive Resin FinishtPolished Factory Finisht500 Siaair Micro Pad; Royal Compound Finishtt Lane ConditiontHeavyt Core NametMastermind Ultra Low RG Core TypetAsymmetric Flare PotentialtHigh Breakpoint ShapetLength with Strong Mid-Lane Traction and Strong Backend RGt2.540 Differentialt0.052t Ball weight t14 lbs First quality ball. This ball hits hard. This price is subject to change without notice. This ball may be withdrawn at any time. Ready sale to Strike!! ~Xmplar™.
Brunswick Mastermind Intellect Bowling Ball Specs New. Unused. Undrilled. OEM in all respects. This outstanding ball is no longer in production. That makes finding a new, undrilled, gift-worthy example truly rare. There is only one of these great balls available. When it is gone, it is gone. Ball ColortBlack/Blue/Yellow Coverstock NametHonor Roll A+ Solid Reactivet CoverstocktReactive Resin FinishtPolished Factory Finisht500 Siaair Micro Pad; Royal Compound Finishtt Lane ConditiontHeavyt Core NametMastermind Ultra Low RG Core TypetAsymmetric Flare PotentialtHigh Breakpoint ShapetLength with Strong Mid-Lane Traction and Strong Backend RGt2.540 Differentialt0.052t Ball weight t14 lbs First quality ball. This ball hits hard. This price is subject to change without notice. This ball may be withdrawn at any time. Ready sale to Strike!! ~Xmplar™.