RESERVED BUNDLE FOR sale BRITNI DAIL ONLY!! Maui Mystic, Know Your Earth, Crystal Cave, Cosmic Cloud, US Navy, Jewel of Mumbai, Let's Pink Up, Pep Raleigh, Pineapple Paradise and Let It Grow Color Street Nail Sets. All are Retired and Hard To Find. Retired sets cannot be guaranteed by anyone but I have never had a problem with them! Actual sets are in the pictures so please take a look! I am not a stylist...just destashing a bit!! Thank you so much....I will be including 2 free mystery sets in the package as a Thank you from me! All sales final...No returns!.
RESERVED BUNDLE FOR sale BRITNI DAIL ONLY!! Maui Mystic, Know Your Earth, Crystal Cave, Cosmic Cloud, US Navy, Jewel of Mumbai, Let's Pink Up, Pep Raleigh, Pineapple Paradise and Let It Grow Color Street Nail Sets. All are Retired and Hard To Find. Retired sets cannot be guaranteed by anyone but I have never had a problem with them! Actual sets are in the pictures so please take a look! I am not a stylist...just destashing a bit!! Thank you so much....I will be including 2 free mystery sets in the package as a Thank you from me! All sales final...No returns!.